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Gene Expression Literature Summary
In situ RNA (whole mount)
9.5 DPC

74 matching records from 74 references.

Summary by Gene and Reference: Number indicates the number of results matching the search criteria recorded for each reference.
* Indicates detailed expression data entries available
Otx2  orthodenticle homeobox 2   (Synonyms: E130306E05Rik)
Results  Reference
1*J:20959 Ang SL, Conlon RA, Jin O, Rossant J, Positive and negative signals from mesoderm regulate the expression of mouse Otx2 in ectoderm explants. Development. 1994 Oct;120(10):2979-89
1*J:134435 Anselme I, Laclef C, Lanaud M, Ruther U, Schneider-Maunoury S, Defects in brain patterning and head morphogenesis in the mouse mutant Fused toes. Dev Biol. 2007 Apr 1;304(1):208-20
1J:290418 Ashokkumar D, Zhang Q, Much C, Bledau AS, Naumann R, Alexopoulou D, Dahl A, Goveas N, Fu J, Anastassiadis K, Stewart AF, Kranz A, MLL4 is required after implantation, whereas MLL3 becomes essential during late gestation. Development. 2020 Jun 17;147(12):dev186999
1J:110211 Baek JH, Hatakeyama J, Sakamoto S, Ohtsuka T, Kageyama R, Persistent and high levels of Hes1 expression regulate boundary formation in the developing central nervous system. Development. 2006 Jul;133(13):2467-76
1*J:29060 Bally-Cuif L, Cholley B, Wassef M, Involvement of Wnt-1 in the formation of the mes/metencephalic boundary. Mech Dev. 1995 Sep;53(1):23-34
1J:131764 Basson MA, Echevarria D, Petersen Ahn C, Sudarov A, Joyner AL, Mason IJ, Martinez S, Martin GR, Specific regions within the embryonic midbrain and cerebellum require different levels of FGF signaling during development. Development. 2008 Mar;135(5):889-98
1*J:71879 Bernier G, Vukovich W, Neidhardt L, Herrmann BG, Gruss P, Isolation and characterization of a downstream target of Pax6 in the mammalian retinal primordium. Development. 2001 Oct;128(20):3987-94
1J:175338 Bhattaram P, Penzo-Mendez A, Sock E, Colmenares C, Kaneko KJ, Vassilev A, Depamphilis ML, Wegner M, Lefebvre V, Organogenesis relies on SoxC transcription factors for the survival of neural and mesenchymal progenitors. Nat Commun. 2010;1:9
1*J:118802 Blak AA, Naserke T, Saarimaki-Vire J, Peltopuro P, Giraldo-Velasquez M, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Prakash N, Sendtner M, Partanen J, Wurst W, Fgfr2 and Fgfr3 are not required for patterning and maintenance of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 1;303(1):231-43
1*J:76815 Broccoli V, Colombo E, Cossu G, Dmbx1 is a paired-box containing gene specifically expressed in the caudal most brain structures. Mech Dev. 2002 Jun;114(1-2):219
1J:121357 Bu P, Evrard YA, Lozano G, Dent SY, Loss of Gcn5 acetyltransferase activity leads to neural tube closure defects and exencephaly in mouse embryos. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 May;27(9):3405-16
1*J:89168 Bulfone A, Caccioppoli C, Pardini C, Faedo A, Martinez S, Banfi S, Pcp4l1, a novel gene encoding a Pcp4-like polypeptide, is expressed in specific domains of the developing brain. Gene Expr Patterns. 2004 May;4(3):297-301
1*J:142648 Castranio T, Mishina Y, Bmp2 is required for cephalic neural tube closure in the mouse. Dev Dyn. 2008 Dec 18;238(1):110-122
1J:161813 Chilov D, Sinjushina N, Saarimaki-Vire J, Taketo MM, Partanen J, beta-Catenin regulates intercellular signalling networks and cell-type specific transcription in the developing mouse midbrain-rhombomere 1 region. PLoS One. 2010;5(6):e10881
1*J:108393 Chung AC, Xu X, Niederreither KA, Cooney AJ, Loss of orphan nuclear receptor GCNF function disrupts forebrain development and the establishment of the isthmic organizer. Dev Biol. 2006 May 1;293(1):13-24
1J:76080 Cunningham D, Xiao Q, Chatterjee A, Sulik K, Juriloff D, Elder F, Harrison W, Schuster G, Overbeek PA, Herman GE, exma: an X-linked insertional mutation that disrupts forebrain and eye development. Mamm Genome. 2002 Apr;13(4):179-85
1*J:206224 Dixit R, Tachibana N, Touahri Y, Zinyk D, Logan C, Schuurmans C, Gene expression is dynamically regulated in retinal progenitor cells prior to and during overt cellular differentiation. Gene Expr Patterns. 2014 Jan;14(1):42-54
1*J:49657 Dufort D, Schwartz L, Harpal K, Rossant J, The transcription factor HNF3beta is required in visceral endoderm for normal primitive streak morphogenesis. Development. 1998 Aug;125(16):3015-25
1*J:41809 Filosa S, RiveraPerez JA, Gomez AP, Gansmuller A, Sasaki H, Behringer RR, Ang SL, goosecoid and HNF-3 beta genetically interact to regulate neural tube patterning during mouse embryogenesis. Development. 1997 JUL;124(14):2843-2854
1J:97456 Fossat N, Courtois V, Chatelain G, Brun G, Lamonerie T, Alternative usage of Otx2 promoters during mouse development. Dev Dyn. 2005 May;233(1):154-60
1*J:130649 Fossat N, Le Greneur C, Beby F, Vincent S, Godement P, Chatelain G, Lamonerie T, A new GFP-tagged line reveals unexpected Otx2 protein localization in retinal photoreceptors. BMC Dev Biol. 2007;7:122
1J:167835 Fu J, Ivy Yu HM, Maruyama T, Mirando AJ, Hsu W, Gpr177/mouse Wntless is essential for Wnt-mediated craniofacial and brain development. Dev Dyn. 2011 Feb;240(2):365-71
1J:79632 Gimeno L, Hashemi R, Brulet P, Martinez S, Analysis of Fgf15 expression pattern in the mouse neural tube. Brain Res Bull. 2002 Feb-Mar 1;57(3-4):297-9
1J:107403 Glaser S, Schaft J, Lubitz S, Vintersten K, van der Hoeven F, Tufteland KR, Aasland R, Anastassiadis K, Ang SL, Stewart AF, Multiple epigenetic maintenance factors implicated by the loss of Mll2 in mouse development. Development. 2006 Apr;133(8):1423-32
1J:108511 Griesel G, Treichel D, Collombat P, Krull J, Zembrzycki A, van den Akker WM, Gruss P, Simeone A, Mansouri A, Sp8 controls the anteroposterior patterning at the midbrain-hindbrain border. Development. 2006 May;133(9):1779-87
1J:117035 Guo C, Qiu HY, Huang Y, Chen H, Yang RQ, Chen SD, Johnson RL, Chen ZF, Ding YQ, Lmx1b is essential for Fgf8 and Wnt1 expression in the isthmic organizer during tectum and cerebellum development in mice. Development. 2007 Jan;134(2):317-25
1J:71074 Hirata H, Tomita K, Bessho Y, Kageyama R, Hes1 and Hes3 regulate maintenance of the isthmic organizer and development of the mid/hindbrain. EMBO J. 2001 Aug 15;20(16):4454-66
1*J:238567 Houtmeyers R, Tchouate Gainkam O, Glanville-Jones HA, Van den Bosch B, Chappell A, Barratt KS, Souopgui J, Tejpar S, Arkell RM, Zic2 mutation causes holoprosencephaly via disruption of NODAL signalling. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Sep 15;25(18):3946-3959
1*J:104200 Jin JZ, Gu S, McKinney P, Ding J, Expression and functional analysis of Tgif during mouse midline development. Dev Dyn. 2006 Feb;235(2):547-53
1J:104870 Jin O, Harpal K, Ang SL, Rossant J, Otx2 and HNF3beta genetically interact in anterior patterning. Int J Dev Biol. 2001;45(1):357-65
1J:123924 Kim TH, Goodman J, Anderson KV, Niswander L, Phactr4 regulates neural tube and optic fissure closure by controlling PP1-, Rb-, and E2F1-regulated cell-cycle progression. Dev Cell. 2007 Jul;13(1):87-102
1*J:43760 Kimura C, Takeda N, Suzuki M, Oshimura M, Aizawa S, Matsuo I, Cis-acting elements conserved between mouse and pufferfish Otx2 genes govern the expression in mesencephalic neural crest cells. Development. 1997 Oct;124(20):3929-41
1J:62984 Kitajima S, Takagi A, Inoue T, Saga Y, MesP1 and MesP2 are essential for the development of cardiac mesoderm. Development. 2000 Aug;127(15):3215-26
1J:59069 Klingensmith J, Ang SL, Bachiller D, Rossant J, Neural induction and patterning in the mouse in the absence of the node and its derivatives. Dev Biol. 1999 Dec 15;216(2):535-49
1*J:91011 Kurokawa D, Kiyonari H, Nakayama R, Kimura-Yoshida C, Matsuo I, Aizawa S, Regulation of Otx2 expression and its functions in mouse forebrain and midbrain. Development. 2004 Jul;131(14):3319-31
1J:236825 Langer D, Martianov I, Alpern D, Rhinn M, Keime C, Dolle P, Mengus G, Davidson I, Essential role of the TFIID subunit TAF4 in murine embryogenesis and embryonic stem cell differentiation. Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 30;7:11063
1J:79431 Li JY, Lao Z, Joyner AL, Changing requirements for Gbx2 in development of the cerebellum and maintenance of the mid/hindbrain organizer. Neuron. 2002 Sep 26;36(1):31-43
1J:132584 Liguori GL, Borges AC, D'Andrea D, Liguoro A, Goncalves L, Salgueiro AM, Persico MG, Belo JA, Cripto-independent Nodal signaling promotes positioning of the A-P axis in the early mouse embryo. Dev Biol. 2008 Mar 15;315(2):280-9
1J:132940 Lin W, Zhang Z, Srajer G, Chen YC, Huang M, Phan HM, Dent SY, Proper expression of the Gcn5 histone acetyltransferase is required for neural tube closure in mouse embryos. Dev Dyn. 2008 Apr;237(4):928-40
1*J:66592 Liu A, Joyner AL, EN and GBX2 play essential roles downstream of FGF8 in patterning the mouse mid/hindbrain region. Development. 2001 Jan;128(2):181-91
1J:106308 Liu Y, Festing M, Thompson JC, Hester M, Rankin S, El-Hodiri HM, Zorn AM, Weinstein M, Smad2 and Smad3 coordinately regulate craniofacial and endodermal development. Dev Biol. 2004 Jun 15;270(2):411-26
1J:164587 Mao J, McKean DM, Warrier S, Corbin JG, Niswander L, Zohn IE, The iron exporter ferroportin 1 is essential for development of the mouse embryo, forebrain patterning and neural tube closure. Development. 2010 Sep;137(18):3079-88
1*J:72725 Martinez-Barbera JP, Signore M, Boyl PP, Puelles E, Acampora D, Gogoi R, Schubert F, Lumsden A, Simeone A, Regionalisation of anterior neuroectoderm and its competence in responding to forebrain and midbrain inducing activities depend on mutual antagonism between OTX2 and GBX2. Development. 2001 Dec;128(23):4789-800
1J:57537 Millet S, Campbell K, Epstein DJ, Losos K, Harris E, Joyner AL, A role for Gbx2 in repression of Otx2 and positioning the mid/hindbrain organizer. Nature. 1999 Sep 9;401(6749):161-4
1J:40145 Molkentin JD, Lin Q, Duncan SA, Olson EN, Requirement of the transcription factor GATA4 for heart tube formation and ventral morphogenesis. Genes Dev. 1997 APR 15;11(8):1061-1072
1J:89798 Momoi T, Fujita E, Urase K, Strain-specific caspase-3-dependent programmed cell death in the early developing mouse forebrain. Neuroreport. 2003 Jan 20;14(1):111-5
1*J:73819 Ohtoshi A, Nishijima I, Justice MJ, Behringer RR, Dmbx1, a novel evolutionarily conserved paired-like homeobox gene expressed in the brain of mouse embryos. Mech Dev. 2002 Jan;110(1-2):241-4
1J:91004 Panhuysen M, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Blanquet V, Brodski C, Heinzmann U, Beisker W, Wurst W, Effects of Wnt1 signaling on proliferation in the developing mid-/hindbrain region. Mol Cell Neurosci. 2004 May;26(1):101-11
1J:292657 Pieters T, Sanders E, Tian H, van Hengel J, van Roy F, Neural defects caused by total and Wnt1-Cre mediated ablation of p120ctn in mice. BMC Dev Biol. 2020 Aug 3;20(1):17
1J:89367 Puelles E, Annino A, Tuorto F, Usiello A, Acampora D, Czerny T, Brodski C, Ang SL, Wurst W, Simeone A, Otx2 regulates the extent, identity and fate of neuronal progenitor domains in the ventral midbrain. Development. 2004 May;131(9):2037-48
1J:95363 Ramos-Mejia V, Escalante-Alcalde D, Kunath T, Ramirez L, Gertsenstein M, Nagy A, Lomeli H, Phenotypic analyses of mouse embryos with ubiquitous expression of Oct4: effects on mid-hindbrain patterning and gene expression. Dev Dyn. 2005 Jan;232(1):180-90
1*J:88939 Rhinn M, Lun K, Werner M, Simeone A, Brand M, Isolation and expression of the homeobox gene Gbx1 during mouse development. Dev Dyn. 2004 Feb;229(2):334-9
1J:118803 Ribes V, Otto DM, Dickmann L, Schmidt K, Schuhbaur B, Henderson C, Blomhoff R, Wolf CR, Tickle C, Dolle P, Rescue of cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (Por) mouse mutants reveals functions in vasculogenesis, brain and limb patterning linked to retinoic acid homeostasis. Dev Biol. 2007 Mar 1;303(1):66-81
1J:75491 Roberts C, Sutherland HF, Farmer H, Kimber W, Halford S, Carey A, Brickman JM, Wynshaw-Boris A, Scambler PJ, Targeted mutagenesis of the Hira gene results in gastrulation defects and patterning abnormalities of mesoendodermal derivatives prior to early embryonic lethality. Mol Cell Biol. 2002 Apr;22(7):2318-28
1J:123685 Saarimaki-Vire J, Peltopuro P, Lahti L, Naserke T, Blak AA, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Yu K, Ornitz DM, Wurst W, Partanen J, Fibroblast growth factor receptors cooperate to regulate neural progenitor properties in the developing midbrain and hindbrain. J Neurosci. 2007 Aug 8;27(32):8581-92
1*J:45075 Schwarz M, Alvarez-Bolado G, Urbanek P, Busslinger M, Gruss P, Conserved biological function between Pax-2 and Pax-5 in midbrain and cerebellum development: evidence from targeted mutations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997 Dec 23;94(26):14518-23
1J:51834 Shen SX, Weaver Z, Xu X, Li C, Weinstein M, Chen L, Guan XY, Ried T, Deng CX, A targeted disruption of the murine Brca1 gene causes gamma-irradiation hypersensitivity and genetic instability. Oncogene. 1998 Dec 17;17(24):3115-24
1*J:209112 Shimizu H, Kubo A, Uchibe K, Hashimoto M, Yokoyama S, Takada S, Mitsuoka K, Asahara H, The AERO system: a 3D-like approach for recording gene expression patterns in the whole mouse embryo. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e75754
1*J:244313 Simon CS, Downes DJ, Gosden ME, Telenius J, Higgs DR, Hughes JR, Costello I, Bikoff EK, Robertson EJ, Functional characterisation of cis-regulatory elements governing dynamic Eomes expression in the early mouse embryo. Development. 2017 Apr 01;144(7):1249-1260
1*J:57262 Song J, Oh SP, Schrewe H, Nomura M, Lei H, Okano M, Gridley T, Li E, The type II activin receptors are essential for egg cylinder growth, gastrulation, and rostral head development in mice. Dev Biol. 1999 Sep 1;213(1):157-69
1*J:77801 Soo K, O'Rourke MP, Khoo PL, Steiner KA, Wong N, Behringer RR, Tam PP, Twist function is required for the morphogenesis of the cephalic neural tube and the differentiation of the cranial neural crest cells in the mouse embryo. Dev Biol. 2002 Jul 15;247(2):251-70
1*J:70745 Suda Y, Hossain ZM, Kobayashi C, Hatano O, Yoshida M, Matsuo I, Aizawa S, Emx2 directs the development of diencephalon in cooperation with Otx2. Development. 2001 Jul;128(13):2433-50
1*J:45681 Suda Y, Matsuo I, Aizawa S, Cooperation between Otx1 and Otx2 genes in developmental patterning of rostral brain. Mech Dev. 1997 Dec;69(1-2):125-41
1J:242317 Tan J, Chen XJ, Shen CL, Zhang HX, Tang LY, Lu SY, Wu WT, Kuang Y, Fei J, Wang ZG, Lacking of palladin leads to multiple cellular events changes which contribute to NTD. Neural Dev. 2017 Mar 24;12(1):4
1J:83004 Trokovic R, Trokovic N, Hernesniemi S, Pirvola U, Vogt Weisenhorn DM, Rossant J, McMahon AP, Wurst W, Partanen J, FGFR1 is independently required in both developing mid- and hindbrain for sustained response to isthmic signals. EMBO J. 2003 Apr 15;22(8):1811-23
1J:119939 Uehara M, Yashiro K, Mamiya S, Nishino J, Chambon P, Dolle P, Sakai Y, CYP26A1 and CYP26C1 cooperatively regulate anterior-posterior patterning of the developing brain and the production of migratory cranial neural crest cells in the mouse. Dev Biol. 2007 Feb 15;302(2):399-411
1J:54222 Xu X, Li C, Takahashi K, Slavkin HC, Shum L, Deng CX, Murine fibroblast growth factor receptor 1alpha isoforms mediate node regression and are essential for posterior mesoderm development. Dev Biol. 1999 Apr 15;208(2):293-306
1*J:53289 Yang X, Castilla LH, Xu X, Li C, Gotay J, Weinstein M, Liu PP, Deng CX, Angiogenesis defects and mesenchymal apoptosis in mice lacking SMAD5. Development. 1999 Apr;126(8):1571-80
1J:111701 Yeh JR, Ju R, Brdlik CM, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Matyskiela ME, Shotwell JD, Crews CM, Targeted gene disruption of methionine aminopeptidase 2 results in an embryonic gastrulation defect and endothelial cell growth arrest. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jul 5;103(27):10379-84
1*J:156017 Yokoyama S, Ito Y, Ueno-Kudoh H, Shimizu H, Uchibe K, Albini S, Mitsuoka K, Miyaki S, Kiso M, Nagai A, Hikata T, Osada T, Fukuda N, Yamashita S, Harada D, Mezzano V, Kasai M, Puri PL, Hayashizaki Y, Okado H, Hashimoto M, Asahara H, A systems approach reveals that the myogenesis genome network is regulated by the transcriptional repressor RP58. Dev Cell. 2009 Dec;17(6):836-48
1J:173529 Yu T, Yaguchi Y, Echevarria D, Martinez S, Basson MA, Sprouty genes prevent excessive FGF signalling in multiple cell types throughout development of the cerebellum. Development. 2011 Jul;138(14):2957-68
1*J:78146 Zhang Y, Miki T, Iwanaga T, Koseki Y, Okuno M, Sunaga Y, Ozaki N, Yano H, Koseki H, Seino S, Identification, tissue expression, and functional characterization of Otx3, a novel member of the Otx family. J Biol Chem. 2002 Aug 2;277(31):28065-9
1J:62712 Zhong W, Jiang MM, Schonemann MD, Meneses JJ, Pedersen RA, Jan LY, Jan YN, Mouse numb is an essential gene involved in cortical neurogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000 Jun 6;97(12):6844-9
1*J:41878 Zoltewicz JS, Plummer NW, Lin MI, Peterson AS, oto is a homeotic locus with a role in anteroposterior development that is partially redundant with Lim1. Development. 1999 Nov;126(22):5085-95

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